The Supreme Court of Student Governance serves as the third branch of government for both USG and GPSG. The Court consists of five members: one Chief Justice, two undergraduate Associate Justices, and two graduate Associate Justices. The Court has original jurisdiction over all cases regarding disputes within USG or GPSG, from disagreements over Constitutional meaning to discerning the powers of a specific officer to impeachment proceedings. The Court also represents the student body by serving on the University Hearing Commission for personal misconduct and sexual misconduct cases and by serving on the Parking Ticket Appeals Committee.
Members of the Court are nominated by the USG or GPSG President and are confirmed by the USG Senate or the GPSG General Assembly. Justices serve until they graduate.
Those who wish to bring a case before the Court start first by filling out a Violations Petition (attached). Next, a completed petition must then be submitted to the Chief Justice. The Court then reviews the petition, and if two of the five Justices believe that the petition states a possible meritorious claim, then a formal hearing is scheduled by the Court. At this hearing, aggrieved parties and their supporters can present their case verbally and/or in writing. Those who disagree with the aggrieved may also present their case. Both sides must submit themselves to questioning by the Court. Following the hearing, the Court issues a majority opinion that represents the view of three or more of the Justices and may also issue a dissent if one is present. The majority opinion of the Court is the Court’s official holding and is binding on USG or GPSG. The holding cannot be changed retroactively and can only be altered proactively via a new Court holding or via an amendment to the USG or GPSG Constitution.